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27 Division St, New York,
NY 10002, USA

+ 8 (123) 578 987 455
+ 8 (123) 578 987 449


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開業20年豐富經驗 信用至上






  • 90年接觸美國USPL塑木,並著手國產化塑木可行性研究。
  • 93年代理進口日本Misawa  三澤住宅株式會社 生產之M-Wood2塑木
  • 93年與台灣第一家本土生產WPC塑木,環異科技 產銷合作雅柏木
  • 98年引進美商 惠東美新 於中國生產之NewTechWood一代WPC塑木
  • 104年代理美商 惠東美新 於中國生產之新革命性具UltraShield 防護科技NewTechWood 超越塑木


  • HDPE材質具環保、質輕、高韌性、耐酸鹼、高耐久的特性
  • 質輕易搬運,組裝容易、施工快速
  • 排水系統,可隨需求透水(有孔)、排水(無孔)〉選擇隨意搭配
  • HDPE滲透溝、滲透陰井能貯藏雨水,再慢慢滲出水與空氣,形同大地的吸水海綿



The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the the success of a person's life.

  • Digital project planning and resourcing
  • In-House digital consulting
  • Permanent and contract recruitement

我們只推薦最好的產品 環保 安全 健康 美觀 耐用 省維護


Only Best Professional Services for a Comfortable Interior

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Professional Design

We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

Qualified Planning

We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

Skilled Architecture

We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

Why Should You Choose Us ?

The main idea and concept for us is what will be right for a particular person, family, business. We rely on our experience, creativity and latest achievements to get the best solution for your interior.

Meet Our Creative Minds

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Thomas Bodine

Marketing Manager

Chriss Moore

Finance Manager

James Sherwood

Lead Architect

What People Say About Our Architecture Studio

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Fashion House: New Trends in Interior Design


Fashion House: New Trends in Interior Design

Originally an art school in Germany in the early 1900s the Bauhaus movement held the idea that all art and...

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10 Incredible Ideas for Your Creative Interior


10 Incredible Ideas for Your Creative Interior

Originally an art school in Germany in the early 1900s the Bauhaus movement held the idea that all art and...

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Create a House of Your Dream: Few Tips

Create a House of Your Dream: Few Tips

Originally an art school in Germany in the early 1900s the Bauhaus movement held the idea that all art and...

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Design Consultancy