
Our Gallery

Contact Info

27 Division St, New York,
NY 10002, USA

+ 8 (123) 578 987 455
+ 8 (123) 578 987 449


Folow Us

我們是專業的景觀建材代理商 開業20年經驗豐富 信用卓著






  • HDPE材質具環保、質輕、高韌性、耐酸鹼、高耐久的特性
  • 質輕易搬運,組裝容易、施工快速
  • 排水系統,可隨需求透水(有孔)、排水(無孔)〉選擇隨意搭配
  • HDPE滲透溝、滲透陰井能貯藏雨水,再慢慢滲出水與空氣,形同大地的吸水海綿


  • 90年接觸美國USPL塑木,並著手國產化塑木可行性研究。
  • 93年代理引進日本Misawa  三澤住宅株式會社 生產之M-Wood2塑木
  • 98年引進美商 惠東美新 於中國生產之NewTechWood一代WPC塑木
  • 104年正式代理美商 惠東美新 於中國生產之新一代 NewTechWood UltraShield 美新超越塑木



The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the the success of a person's life.

  • Digital project planning and resourcing
  • In-House digital consulting
  • Permanent and contract recruitement

Our Creative Project

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Our Creative Project

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Why You Need Choose Us?

The main idea and concept for us is what will be right for a particular person, family, business. We rely on our experience, creativity and latest achievements. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic.
Interior Design
90 %
70 %
3D Skills
85 %
Projects Finished
0 +
Happy Clients
0 +
Projects in Progress
0 +
Offices Worldwide

Meet Our Creative Minds

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Thomas Bodine

Marketing Manager

Chriss Moore

Finance Manager

James Sherwood

Lead Architect

Design Consultancy

    Only Best Professional Services for a Comfortable Interior

    The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.